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First-Time Homebuyers

Overcoming Mortgage Obstacles with Fairway Loan Officer Laura Gilmore

Fairway Mortgage Branch Manager Laura Gilmore talks about how being told "No" the first time she tried to buy a home set her on a journey that landed her in the mortgage industry.

Fairway Stories: Guiding First-Generation First-Time Homebuyers

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation highlights Shonn Herring, who is a first-generation homeowner and a first-time homebuyer. When it came to his situation, he had everything he needed to become a homeowner but a guide to help him along the way.

Fairway Stories: How Fairway Helps Single Moms Secure Mortgages

Single Moms often face daunting challenges when buying homes. This Fairway Mortgage Story follows Meghann who had to overcome obstacle after obstacle on her journey to homeownership – but with Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation’s help, she made it!

Fairway Stories: Helping Veterans Achieve Homeownership

Fairway is committed to helping our U.S. Military veterans achieve the dream of homeownership – even when seemingly insurmountable obstacles stand in the way. This is the story of Iraqi war veteran Cameron – a single mom with four beautiful daughters who never dreamed she could afford a home.

Fairway Stories: We Help Low- and Moderate- Income Borrowers

Anthony Williams was a responsible renter. He made his payments on time and was thoughtful with his finances. Still, because of certain circumstances, he initially ran into trouble in buying a home. Listen to Anthony's story and learn how his dream of homeownership came true.
